Saturday, May 22, 2010

Anchorage to Seward (almost)

Spent the morning in Anchorage. Got the tire fixed

We went to the Anchorage Museum to see the Smithsonian exhibit. It was wonderful. It was the Grand Opening, so there were Inupiaq and Haida dancers.

We also did a quick tour of the permanent exhibits which we had seen before.
Then we drove from Anchorage to Hope and then to an RV park north of Seward.
Turnagain Arm

Homer Social Hall 1902 still in in use

This picture is of a WWII war loan poster done by Rusty Heurlin. The original painting is in the UAF museum with another title. I disappointed that there were no paintings by Rusty in the Alaskan Art Gallery--I thought I remembered that they had one before.

By contrast they had about 15 by Sydney Laurence. UAF Museum has about 15 by Heurlin and about that number by Laurence. (End of Heurlin rant! :-) )

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