Thursday, May 13, 2010

Back in the U. S.of A.!!!!

Made it to Alaska today a day ahead of schedule.

Customs was a drag--we had to get out of the RV with our three dogs and have a random agricultural inspection--Idaho is one of the states on their list and we were the first vehicle with Idaho plates. However, we passed the inspection, and they didn't even throw out the onions, garlic, and apples we had purchased in Canada.

Tomorrow we should be in North Pole (south of Fairbanks) and I will post some more pictures.

We saw two moose, several swans, and a whole bunch of Dall sheep on the side of Sheep Mountain--fairly far away but close enough to see more than just white dots. There were a whole bunch of ewes with their lambs. This mountain is a wintering and lambing spot--the rams leave in early May.

Pretty nice day, after some flurries of snow early on.

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