Friday, May 14, 2010

North Pole--our base for 4 days.

Made it to North Pole today. Our RV park here has no water--no toilets, noshowers, no laundry.
The snow just melted last week and the ground is still frozen and their system can't be partially opened up--the six rigs here would not be enough to keep the pipes in this huge park from freezing.

Ah, well, we have our own toilet. Guess we'll rough it--we have wireless, cable TV, the stove etc.--but no water except what is in our tank. ;-)

Pics from today:

Two pics of a moose feeding in a pond 78 miles from Fairbanks.

Standing near the Alaska pipeline as it crosses the Delta River 86 miles from Fairbanks.

Standing near Mile 1422 ALaska HIghway--Official end of the Alaska Highway 95 miles from Fairbanks.

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